Hamilton Center, Inc. is excited to announce that it will be expanding its Military Veterans Program (MVP) to provide mental health services to military veterans throughout its 10-county service area.
Hamilton Center has recognized the increased need for military veteran mental health services, specifically in its rural service areas, and the organization is committed to meeting these needs. Program manager and therapist, Bill Little, MSW, LSW, a military veteran himself, is leading the way for this expansion. “The process of expansion will take some time, but the hope is for MVP services to be offered in over half of our counties within a years’ time,” said Little.
Whether a veteran has recently returned or has been home for years, service members frequently suffer in silence and are reluctant to reach out for help. Hamilton Center recognizes these hardships and wants our veterans to know “you are not alone.”
MVP offers mental health and emotional support for issues related to post-traumatic stress disorder, frustration control, addiction, transition, reintegration, grief counseling and suicidal ideations. Family, spouses, and children of service members are the foundation of our military and are valuable first responders to their loved ones’ mental and emotional distress. There often comes a time when they need guidance and education to assist them in coping with changes in their family relationships. “MVP is here to help guide families to living their best lives, by offering services to every member,” said Little. MVP can link children of active and retired service members to Hamilton Center’s Child & Adolescent Services (CAS) where they can receive specialized care. CAS offers outpatient services in the form of therapy, case management, and school-based counseling for those children struggling with behavior issues, separation anxiety, attachment issues, or abandonment issues.
Hamilton Center, Inc. is a regional behavioral health system in Central and West Central Indiana with corporate offices located in Terre Haute, Ind. Services are provided to children, youth and adults, with specialized programs for expectant mothers, infants, and people who may be struggling with stress, life changes, or relationship issues, as well as more serious problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, and serious mental illnesses.
For information on Hamilton Center Services, call (800) 742-0787.