Each year, Hamilton Center, honors the achievements of businesses and individuals in the community that have contributed significantly to the cause of mental health/addiction. The awards are named in honor of Katherine Hamilton, a woman devoted to helping the cause by improving care for those in need. Awards were given at Hamilton Center’s Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner, October 24, 2017 with over 450 people attending this uplifting event. 2017 Hamilton Award winners were:
Community award – Bill Watson, Community Corrections.
Mr. Watson is devoted to the cause of mental health and improving the care for persons with mental illness and addiction specifically those in the criminal justice system. He works on a daily basis to improve the quality of life for many individuals in the Terre Haute community as well as the State who are re-entering the community from incarceration. He is giving second chances to hundreds and hundreds of people with compassion and direction.
Volunteer award – Andy Stoelting and Tom Sebring.
Mr. Stoelting and Mr. Sebring have worked tirelessly to establish a new program at Hamilton Center called Infinity House. Infinity House was established to give adults with mental illnesses the opportunity to live meaningful and productive lives by integrating into employment and their community. This service model is run by its members and can only exist and thrive through its membership. Since inception, these gentleman have worked to get the program going and continue to work with the goal of infinity house being nationally accredited.
Staff Award – Tatu Brown, Acting Public Relations Specialist
Mr. Brown was described in the nomination as someone possessing strong leadership skills, inspiration, character, and passion when chairing or co-chairing numerous committees in the community. He is someone with a strong work ethic, always prompt and prepared at meetings, has positive energy and attitude and always goes the extra mile to see things through. It was stated that Mr. Brown never complains or blames and always takes personally responsibility. His passion goes well beyond Hamilton Center as he works to serve the community, our children, his family and friends. Lastly, Mr. Brown has overcome personal struggles to be a successful full time dedicated employee of Hamilton Center.
Also featured was keynote Misty Wallace. Ms. Wallace is the Regional Coordinator for Bridges to Life, a restorative justice program located in Indianapolis. Ms. Wallace’s passion is to reach out to men and women that have been hurt by crime and share her personal story of power, grace and forgiveness with the hope of changing lives and giving second chances. Joining her was Keith Blackburn who serves as chaplain of the Indianapolis Re Entry Educational Facility, a State Prison that helps Indiana inmates prepare to return to a productive life in society. He also shared his story of crime, repentance and forgiveness.
Hamilton Center, Inc. is a regional behavioral health system in Central and West Central Indiana. Services are provided to adolescents and adults, with specialized programs for expectant mothers, infants, and people with drug and alcohol problems. Counseling services are provided for people who may be struggling with stress, life changes, or relationship issues as well as more serious problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, and serious mental illnesses.